Friday, June 18, 2010


I Corinthians 13:4-8 tells us Love is patient, kind, not envious, desires nothing in return, comes from humility, acts gently, is not self-seeking but other-directed, is not easily provoked, gives benefit of doubt, is just, and full of grace; it stirs no defensive behavior, is trusting and trustworthy, and stands every testing. Love never fails in its efforts.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." Galatians 5:22-23

The Six Parameters (Perfections or Principles) of Enlightened Living (Buddha): Generosity as in selfless giving; Virtue or rigorous honesty; Patience such as acceptance of that which we cannot change; Effort, constant and consistent; Meditation or living in the present moment; Wisdom, judging all as neither good nor bad.

I used to think of these things as Impossible Ideals, something to strive for but certain never to reach. I was so unhappy, and my unhappiness was reflected in my relationships. Someone taught me to examine my beliefs. Something I believed was bringing me to a dead end in my personal relationships. I asked myself, "What if I can learn to love unconditionally? What would that look like?"

I began to take the spiritual principles of loving others to heart. If I found myself with any motive other than loving with no need of a return, I stopped. I learned to pay attention to my moods and attitudes, willing to change immediately from selfish, self-centered, self-seeking thoughts and actions to those of love.

Simple changes I made and you can too: Start over when a conversation has gone bad -- from the beginning, gentle the tone and listen. When feeling distressed or unhappy, ask God to help you to see it differently, through loving eyes. Don't wait to feel better -- demonstrate love NOW.

No one, nor any circumstance no matter how dire, has the power to take me from a good place to a bad one. In fact, it is only my ego that cares. Ego tells me that I'm right, that I am being wronged, that something needs to change to my liking. Ego isn't real, only what I imagine! If I am willing to set ego aside, everything can be seen through eyes of love. When I let it go, I can love unconditionally.

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