How do you feel right now? Are you happy, sad, upset about something? Why? Who is responsible for how you feel?

One of the most difficult concepts to accept is the idea that each of us is solely responsible for how we feel. Granted, circumstances may trigger an emotional response -- a positive feeling, or negative. If I say, "You are a wonderful person," and you value my opinion, you may feel good when you hear that statement. Likewise, if I say something critical, or if I am simply grouchy (maybe in response to something you said or did that I didn't like), you may feel badly.

If I were a total stranger in these situations, or one whose opinion meant little to you, your feelings might not be stirred at all. If you believe other people or circumstances over which you have no control have the power to make you feel good or bad, you are powerless -- and by default!

Take control of your life. Know who you are, what you think, believe, and want. Others cannot intuit your thoughts and desires. Express yourself. Make decisions for yourself about your life. As best you can, live your life from a loving place within you. Take 100% responsibility for your life including your feelings and actions.

Others may be negative and throw up every imaginable challenge, testing your understanding of the principle of self-responsibility. At these times, draw on the desirable traits of compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, and a sense of humor!